
McDowall Cotter Pro Bono Service

McDowall Cotter Pro Bono Service

"Pro bono publico" is a Latin phrase that's typically shortened to "pro bono" when it's used in the legal profession. It means “for the good of the people," and it refers to legal services performed free of charge or at reduced fees for the public good. Pro bono...

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End of Life Act

End of Life Act

End of Life Act New options to end life marks the beginning of a new era in California. After a few decades of debate, “The End of Life Option Act” has been signed into law providing terminally ill patients with the option to die sooner with dignity. On October 05,...

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New IRS Filing Requirement for 2016

New IRS Filing Requirement for 2016

If you filed an Estate Tax Return after July 2015, the IRS is now requiring you to also file Form 8971 (and accompanying Schedule(s) A) before March 31, 2016. The purpose of this form is to ensure that information on property values reported to the IRS by Executors...

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