Purpose and Scope of the Company

Purpose and Scope of the Company

PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE COMPANY Most people initially think that an entity is only formed and organized for asset protection. Most people don’t know that if the appropriate entity is chosen and set up properly it can help meet the following goals: Income tax:...
Split Roll Property Tax Initiative

Split Roll Property Tax Initiative

Split Role Property Tax Initiative makes it to 2020 Ballot. Commercial and Industrial Properties May Be Subject to Reassessment In the 1970s Californian voters passed Proposition 13, which set the property tax rate cap at 1% of the assessed value of real property at...
Bay Area Property Ownership

Bay Area Property Ownership

Bay Area Property Ownership: Joint Tenancy, Tenants in Common or Community Property? In California, when you own real property with another person, you can hold it in one of 3 different ways: Joint Tenancy; Tenants in Common, and; Community Property Joint Tenancy In a...
California’s Proposed Estate Tax Changes

California’s Proposed Estate Tax Changes

CALIFORNIA’S PROPOSED ESTATE TAX FAILS IN SENATE WILL NOT, FOR NOW, MAKE IT TO THE 2020 BALLOT California State Senator Scott Weiner recently introduced Senate Bill 378, which would impose gift, estate, and generation-skipping taxes on all transfers after December 31...