ICG Real Estate 1-Day Expo

On Saturday, May 18th, please join us for a presentation on Entities, Protecting Our Assets, What to do, Mistakes to Avoid, and How to Plan in real estate with Brett Lytle and Adiel Gorel! This presentation will be held at the South San Francisco Conference Center...
Free Seminar on Taxes – 2/16/19 – 2pm to 3pm – Foster City

Free Seminar on Taxes – 2/16/19 – 2pm to 3pm – Foster City

Join us for a Free Seminar on Taxes, brought to you by Kateryna Davydova, presented by our very own McDowall Cotter Partner Brett S. Lytle, Esq. From 2pm to 3pm at William E. Walker Recreation Center (MIST ROOM), 650 Shell Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404, learn...