Purpose and Scope of the Company

Purpose and Scope of the Company

PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE COMPANY Most people initially think that an entity is only formed and organized for asset protection. Most people don’t know that if the appropriate entity is chosen and set up properly it can help meet the following goals: Income tax:...
Bay Area Property Ownership

Bay Area Property Ownership

Bay Area Property Ownership: Joint Tenancy, Tenants in Common or Community Property? In California, when you own real property with another person, you can hold it in one of 3 different ways: Joint Tenancy; Tenants in Common, and; Community Property Joint Tenancy In a...
Steeply Declining Rolling GRATs: Perhaps the Best GRAT ever

Steeply Declining Rolling GRATs: Perhaps the Best GRAT ever

Some Basic GRAT Concepts Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs), described in Code Sec. 2702(b), are successful in transmitting property out of a property owner’s estate at no estate tax cost and no or minimal gift tax cost to the extent the assets contributed to the...