Vlog – Advanced Topics in CA Property Tax – Using Legal Entities to Get Real Property to the Kids with Lower CA Property Taxes – McDowall Cotter 8/12/2020 12pm

On Wednesday, August 12th, McDowall Cotter will be hosting a vlog on “Advanced Topics in CA Property Tax – Using Legal Entities to Get Real Property to the Kids with Lower CA Property Taxes”. Feel free to join us for this seminar discussing property assessment, how the use of business entities impact the reassessment of […]

Vlog – Bow Wow Meow: Planning for Your Loved Pet – McDowall Cotter 8/27/2020 12pm

Please join us on Thursday, August 27th from 12:00m - 12:30pm for our vlog on Bow Wow Meow: Planning for Your Beloved Pet hosted by attorneys Jennifer Emmaneel and Bob Vale! To register for this vlog, please click here: At McDowall Cotter, we offer decades of experience with wealth preservation and estate planning and a commitment to the kind […]

Vlog – Planning for a Loved One with Special Needs and The CalABLE Act – McDowall Cotter 9/2/2020 12pm

Please join us on Wednesday, September 2nd from 12:00pm - 12:30pm for our vlog on Planning for a Loved One with Special Needs and The CalABLE Act hosted by attorneys Bob Vale and Karishma Patel! To register for this vlog, please click here:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclfumoqTwqHdD6Zv4tROq-hggZ-yw2SsOs At McDowall Cotter, we offer decades of experience with wealth preservation and estate planning and […]

Vlog – Propositions 15 & 19: Ballot Initiatives to Increase California Property Taxes – McDowall Cotter 9/9/2020 12pm

Please join us on Wednesday, September 9th from 12:00pm - 12:30pm for a very important and exciting new vlog on Proposition 15 &19: Ballot Initiatives to Increase California Property Taxes! This vlog will be hosted by attorneys Stefani Coggins, Bob Vale and Brett Lytle To register for this vlog, please click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcu-rqD8rG9LLG9VpKpojmDaXkK_CWHPI At McDowall Cotter, we […]

Vlog – Advance Health Care Directives: Part 1 – McDowall Cotter 9/23/2020 12pm

On Wednesday, September 23rd from 12:00pm - 12:30pm, join us for McDowall Cotter's vlog on Advance Health Care Directives: Part One hosted by attorneys Bob Vale and Karishma Patel. To register for this vlog, please click here:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkfu-qqz4iGN19aI7TNtr12UHtIp4feg4U At McDowall Cotter, we offer decades of experience with wealth preservation and estate planning and a commitment to the kind of rigorous […]